Loca Conference II
„Europe meets in Munich“ – The Loca Conference in Munich can look back on a successful, international event: 75 speakers from Germany, the USA, the UK and Sweden and more than 450 interested guests discussed and presented the latest trends and solutions in the field of location based services.
So did ituma CEO Simon Marg as well and got in on the discussion with a qualified speaker post on the digitization in retail and cities – true to the motto: “content is king!”. On this occasion, problems and chances were shown for which Marg directly presented opportunities to improve the customer experience and loyalty.
Also the second ituma panel slot on the topic “Wi-Fi Business Innovation & Location Privacy in retail – best practice” could convince the audience by demonstrating the proven ituma safety concept. As an official LBMA member and competence partner of the “Code of Conduct”, both privacy policies (e.g. opt-in / opt-out processes according to the location privacy) and anonymization processes were explained and made accessible to the plenum. Even after the presentations, interesting discussions on this subject were continued at the ituma stand.
Therefore, we may already look forward to the third Loca Conference next year and an afresh exchange of genius ideas with convincing participants!